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Mar. 03 - May 09, 2010 MITSUKO MIWA

©Mitsuko Miwa

The works have been created by her spirit always seeking for new expression on canvas and particular motifs, such as mushroom described as gStill-Lifeh, potatoes named as gBodyh and red on canvas within a frame painted in white. At a certain distance from the pieces, the mountain and sea look like photographs. However, a closer look shows her painting touch and oil mount on canvas.

This exhibition shows her energy and evolution over the last 24 years through 13 works from gCoat on yellow canvash in 1985 to gSKELETON octopush in 2009.


1958 Born in Nagoya Japan
1981 Graduated from Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Art and Music
1995 Received VOCA Prize.VOCA'95
1996-1997 Worked at Kunstlerhaus Bethanien by a grant of Philip Morris Foundation, in Berlin
1998 Worked at IASPIS in Stockholm



Installation View

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